Introduction of Instructors & Explanation of Dojo

After the instructor introduces himself, he will give an explanation about the kendo hall "Saishikan".
The Saishikan dojo was completed in November 2022 and is equipped with body-friendly wood and springs to provide a suitable environment for kendo.

Learn about Bushido

At the beginning, you will be briefed about kendo using a monitor. Through pictures and explanations, you will learn about kendo and the history of the samurai. You will also learn about the spirit of Bushido with its emphasis on courtesy and loyalty. Videos of top Japanese athletes will also be shown. Learning kendo through the monitor is a wonderful way to explore the fascination of the sport while enjoying the realism.

Change of clothes & Photo Shooting

After changing into kendo attire, a photo will be taken. The appeal of wearing kendo attire is to experience Japanese martial arts culture and feel the feel of using a bamboo sword. Kendo wear provides physical protection and comfort, and increases one's confidence as a competitor. In addition, through competitions and practice with other kendoka, students gain an understanding of the nature of the sport and develop a spirit of respect.

Learn by listening, watching, and experiencing

Basic stance and swing

The basic posture of holding the shinai when practicing kendo is called “stance. Maintaining a correct kendo stance is the foundation for accurate attack and defense, and ensures safety. It also demonstrates courtesy and effective use of the shinai and embodies the spirit of budo.
Practicing kendo technique and form with the shinai is called “somenuri. It practices precise striking movements and footwork. Sokuri helps improve strength, balance, and movement, and is important for improving technique in preparation for actual matches and practice with the shinai.

Footwork (in martial arts, sports, etc.)

In kendo, the use of the feet, known as “footwork,” is important. Foot movement is the basis of attack and defense, enabling precise positioning and movement. It is also necessary to avoid an opponent’s attack and to launch a precise attack. Footwork creates balance and nimbleness of body movement, and improves the athlete’s mobility. Furthermore, footwork is important to maintain courtesy and etiquette, and demonstrates respect for the opponent during competition and practice.

Basic Strikes (Men, Kote, Do)

In kendo, basic strikes are called “basic strikes” when striking with the “men”, “kote”, and “do”. Basic strikes are important for developing accurate and quick attacking techniques. Mastering basics uchi is the foundation for learning how to use the shinai effectively and to deliver accurate blows to the opponent. This is essential to success in competition, and provides a means to hone techniques for subduing opponents and improving one’s ability to defend oneself. Practicing basic strikes is also a valuable opportunity to embody the spirit and courtesy of the martial arts and to develop the character of the competitor.

Match for everyone

At the conclusion of the experience, the participants can actually hit each other. The appeal of playing a game with friends and family is the shared sense of unity and fun. Experiencing competition together with friends and family can strengthen bonds. Kendo is a sport of respect and courtesy, so the appeal of kendo is the shared joy of empathy and cooperation through competition.


At the end of the experience, students observe a model demonstration by the sensei. The beautiful gestures and spiritual grace of kendo resonate deeply in the heart. The exemplary performance shows the ideal to the experiencer, fosters aspiration, and embodies the aesthetics and spiritual growth of budo.

Presentation of Japanese Kendo kata

You may also observe "Nihon Kendo Kata" during the model performance. Nihon Kendo Kata is a form of kendo practice that can be thought of as practicing a specific pattern or technique using a wooden sword. Through this, kendoka are able to identify and hone their basic techniques and movements. Kendo kata is a means for kendoka to improve their technique, promote mental growth, and are useful in competitions.

Trial Fee

the number of people Price per person
Personal (1 to 1) 22,000 yen
2 persons 16,500 yen
3 persons 14,300 yen
4 persons 12,100 yen
5 or 6 persons 11,000 yen
7 or more (group) negotiable


If you have any questions, please use the contact form.